Frequently Asked Questions
We find that our clients have many great questions before, during, and after their portrait sessions with us. If you have a question that is not answered on this page, do not hesitate to drop us an email. Each of our sessions will include an in-depth phone consultation to help plan and prepare you for your time with us!
How Do I book a Goddess Session With You?
Use the Make a Date menu item on this web site. Fill out all of the details in the form, and don't forget to include your desired date and session choice! We typically respond within 24 hrs to confirm your booking. Once your session and date have been selected, you'll be sent a Reservation Invoice via Square. This Reservation Payment of $150 confirms your date with us! The balance of your session is due on the day of your session via check/credit card or cash.
You can also contact us directly!
Phone: 707-773-3132
Direct email: goddess@inherimagephoto.com
Don't be shy! We love hearing from Goddesses everywhere.
What’s An In Her Image Goddess Session Like?
The best way to hear about our sessions is straight from our Goddess' lips! Take a stroll through our Goddess galleries to read personal accounts from our clients. Beautiful images is an important part of what we do, but creating a supportive and comfortable environment during your session is also a huge part our mission. Our session experiences are crafted specifically with YOU in mind.
We're honored that you've chosen us to create with you, and we delight in manifesting your imagery vision. Having said that, this is your time to shine and we take that responsibility very seriously. We want to know who you are, what you're passionate about, and what brings you joy. Offering personal and creative hands-on direction at every step of the way, we'll encourage you to truly own who you are in this very moment and help you share that with the world.
Having two photographers focused on capturing your essence allows us to truly see all sides of you. Stand proud; this is all about loving yourself! Be prepared to feel truly celebrated and seen. Each session takes on a life of its own. Bring your most authentic self to us and we promise to capture that part of you! Ultimately, we want you to have fun and feel beautiful in the process; it's really that simple. Sound good?
Why Do You Only Photograph Women?
In Her Image was born out of an experience we had with a woman who, after she saw the photographs we took of her, thanked us for making her feel beautiful. We had the idea to take "empowerment portraits" for women - to give them at least one photo that they felt really good about themselves in. In fact, we were two women who felt pretty uncomfortable in front of the camera. We decided to focus on empowering women to find their authentic beauty, making portraits a "less scary" experience and in turn, foster a journey of complete and unabashed self love and acceptance!
We are experts at finding the most flattering angles from which to photograph women. We are sensitive to the fact that many women carry body image and self-esteem issues and do our best to reflect back to them their gorgeous, authentic selves. Rather than see ourselves as exclusive, we see ourselves with a specialty. Just as other businesses focus on a particular specialty, our niche is representing women.
When we started this business, we knew that we did not want to be every photographer for every need. We chose not to do weddings, most commercial work, group family portraits, etc. Making exceptions would mean diluting our brand and our ultimate vision.
Capturing women in all of their beauty by themselves, as entrepreneurs, mothers, daughters, sisters, loved ones and best friends is what we do. We thank you for supporting and believing in our vision!
Is Professional Makeup and/or Hair Styling included in the session fee?
Makeup and hair styling services are not included in your session fee. We find that our clients enjoy the opportunity to personally select an artist and we will happily provide you with a list of Professional Makeup Artists upon request at the time of booking. The artists offer their services independently of In Her Image. Once supplied with our Makeup Artist referral list, you can book the artist of your choosing. Individual artist fees and services may vary. Fees for these services are paid to the artist directly.
What If I've Never Had A Professional Photo Session Before?
That's totally ok! Most women haven't. In fact, we specialize in posing women who may be uncomfortable in front of a camera and are happy to help you along in this process!
During the session, Tara and Heidi will gently guide you through many authentic and natural poses, allowing you to find your own comfort level and encourage you via conversation and movement suggestions. Strike a pose; pull a face; do a cartwheel! You just never know what may inspire you during your Goddess session! And of course, if anything ever feels awkward or you have physical limitations, we are more than understanding and will move on to what works best for you. Relax. Leave this part to us. We're here to help you feel celebrated. And remember, you're in good hands!
Do You Ever Photograph Indoors Or In A Studio?
We are outdoor, natural light photographers. We don't work in traditional studios or use staged backdrops, as we have a firm belief that a woman is at her most beautiful when she is surrounded by the great outdoors - nature, familiar settings, and stunning natural light. Of course, if you have a location in mind that is indoors and offers ample natural light, we would be happy to discuss the possibility. If your vision includes indoor imagery, we'd be delighted to offer suggestions on wonderful indoor options that will be perfect for you!
What Should I Wear To My Session?
This is probably the most popular question asked prior to a session! And there's a few answers - most importantly, we want you to choose outfits that allow you to feel beautiful, celebrated, and inherently YOU! Have a special occasion outfit you've been dying to wear? Bring it to your session! Think outside the box. Don't be shy with your outfit choices as this is your chance to wear something that makes you feel amazing. While this piece of the session can often cause concerns, know that we are well versed in assisting you with finding the perfect selections for your time with us!
Prior to your session, we will have an in-depth conversation about outfit choices and make sure that you feel absolutely prepared for your day with us!
May I Bring Anyone With Me To My Session?
We find that women can be self-conscious in front of a camera and an “audience” can make someone feel that much more shy/nervous. At every stage, we want to remind you that your session is for you and about you!
We do not invite friends/relatives/boyfriends/husbands/wives/partners to our sessions for this reason. If someone is needed to drive you to your session, we'll often be near cafes or stores that they can wander in while you focus on enjoying your session with us!
How Long Will My Session Take?
Most of our sessions will last 1-4 hours from beginning to end, depending on which session you are booking in for (See our session offerings menu for duration details). Please allow yourself ample time to travel to your session location.
Before your session, Heidi and Tara will have a lighthearted and informative phone consultation with you (included in all sessions) to discuss your upcoming Goddess Session. During this time, we will discuss suitable locations, ask you questions about your desires/mission for the day, and how you envision your final images. This is an important part of our process as it allows Tara and Heidi to truly tailor your portrait session to your unique and individual wishes. We ask that you allocate 30-45 minutes for this pre-session consultation.
How Soon After My Session Will I Receive My Images?
After your session, Tara and Heidi will spend many hours working with your beautiful images. We carefully select only the very best from the day and, from there, create a stunning online collection for you to view.
We pride ourselves on sharing a complete and finished collection of images with you. We do not offer a proofing gallery, rather, deliver to you a beautiful finished product. We are experts in final image selection, and have an impeccable track record for delivering images that women adore.
Your images will be delivered to you via email in the form of a downloadable gallery of photos ready to be shared on your personal website, blog, publication or Facebook page. We work on each image individually to bring out the unique elements that help that image tell its story most effectively. Our mission and desire is for each image to represent the many beautiful facets of who you are. Our editing process is authentic and true to our clients, ensuring that each image reflects the very best version of your amazing self!
Image editing typically takes 4-6 weeks from the date of your session. You will receive an email notifying you when your images are ready to be viewed. If you are working on a project deadline and desire your images to be expedited, we offer a Rush Service at an additional fee which allows for 1 or 2 week turnaround time. Please ask about this at the time of booking. The Rush Service may be decided upon before your session date, and up to 7 days after your session date.
Please note: In Her Image Photography does not ever provide RAW or unedited images from sessions. The final images presented to you are chosen at the discretion of the photographers and are the only images available to you.
We understand that this process may not not meet the needs of every client. Therefore, if you are in any way uncomfortable with our proven process of delivering a beautiful finished collection of images carefully selected by your photographers, we suggest exploring other professionals for your imagery needs.
Can I Order Prints Of My Images?
Absolutely! In Her Image Photography proudly works with a local Green Certified Professional Print Lab who will bring the images from your session with us to gorgeous life.
Your session includes high resolution files that are printable up to an 8x10 size. Beyond that, we can print any size and most formats for you via our Print Lab.
Be sure to peruse our beautiful print and product catalog when you receive your online viewing collection!
As an incentive to create the most authentic reproductions of your imagery, we are pleased to offer you and your family a 10% discount on any order placed during your 2 week online viewing period.
While there is no obligation to order prints, we live in a digital world and having beautiful, heirloom quality prints of your session images makes for tangible reminder of the day you stepped into your power with us. Professionally preserving these memories also makes for an incredible gift that you and your family will treasure for decades.
Why Do Both Tara And Heidi Photograph At My Session And Do I Have To Pay Extra For Having Two Photographers?
What makes In Her Image Photography truly different and unique in their session experience is that our Goddess Portrait Sessions have both Tara and Heidi photographing simultaneously. We believe that by having both of us capture your session, we afford you not only more diverse images, but also more of those precious in-between moments captured. With two lenses shooting at different angles and times, the client feels more like a part of a group conversation, as opposed to feeling like they need to "perform" for just one camera. This unique approach is practically unheard of within portrait photography and usually only found during wedding photography sessions. There is no extra photographer fee. More frames, more fun, more authentic moments captured!
Will You Fix Any Blemishes Or Remove Any Wrinkles In My Final Photos?
We will be happy to remove any impermanent blemishes that you are concerned about. However, in an effort to capture your authentic self, we will never dramatically alter anything about how you physically look. We are battling against the industry that takes these unfair liberties with women, so we will always ask you what you would, or would not like to be “fixed." Some women like a wrinkle smoothed out here or there. Some prefer to embrace every fine line and smile crease. This is your session and your images and we are passionate about you being able to recognize your own beauty in a truthful and tangible way. We totally understand that women would like to see the “best version of themselves” in images and we are invested in reflecting that back to you. Bottom line - we want you to love how you look. We want your images to look like you, because honestly, you're gorgeous with or without editing!
Who Owns The Copyright To My Photos And How Can/Will They Be Used?
In Her Image Photography owns the FULL COPYRIGHT to all photographs that we take. We will definitely use them to promote our business either in print, on our web site, our Facebook fan page, Instagram, in our promotional materials, and possibly in public shows or published works. You may use them for anything you’d like, in fact, we encourage that at every step of your process with us! A large majority of our clients use their images for personal branding and promotional use and we LOVE seeing their beautiful images out in the world! Our image contract states that if the images we created for you are ever to be published (magazine/newspaper article or any online forum such as Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr/Blog/Personal Website), In Her Image Photography absolutely must be credited. Typically, "Photo By: In Her Image Photography is the standard image credit for any and all published or online posts. A live link to our website is always greatly appreciated. This Copyright/Attribution policy is non-negotiable. A contract and model release is required to be signed prior to your session. Also, please keep in mind that we are an ethical business that will always protect the integrity of your images. We will never use them inappropriately, nor will we share any of your personal information in reference to your images without prior consent.
Having said that, you may print, share, post and blog your final images for your own personal use. If you need help with links, please ask!
We work very hard to protect our images of you, and also our unique work in this crazy internet world (where image theft is rampant). Please respect our above rules, and if you have any questions at all regarding them, just ask!
Do You Do Boudoir Photography?
Boudoir means "bedroom", so technically, no. We are interested in stepping outside the framework of what is traditionally considered "sexy." We don't support or follow the blueprint that dictates what a "sexy" photo is. We believe that you can be sexy in a variety of poses and outfits. Fully clothed or not, "sexy" comes in all shapes, sizes and age ranges. We are are not against nudity, however, as we shoot outdoors, we always prioritize your safety and your comfort. If you choose partial nudity as an outfit option, then we will always encourage empowered poses. So, while we don't offer the obvious and common "boudoir" style session, we have found that many of our clients have had transformational experiences with their self-image when they have shown more of themselves and their bodies during sessions with us. We are open to discussion when it comes to how you would like to be captured and portrayed during your session. Our intention will always be that you love who you are in your images. And our mission will always be to reflect back to you that you are beautiful and perfect, just the way you are.
Can I Bring My Pet?
We love animals with our whole hearts, but we are not pet photographers. We have found that animals at sessions can be distracting, but obviously we will make exceptions for service animals and cherished family members. We are also concerned about the safety of companion animals (we rescue animals in our spare time, after all), so we disallow bringing them and leaving them in your car during your session.
How Do I Pay For My Session?
A Non Refundable Reservation Payment of $150 is required to book and confirm your session. This payment can be made securely via an invoice we will send to you from Square (If you prefer Paypal, please let us know). The balance of your session {Session Fee minus Reservation Payment} will be due on the day of your session, via cash/check or credit card. You may also post full payment via Paypal or Square within 48 hours of your session date. Images will not be released nor placed in the editing queue until full session payment has been made. Reservation payments are valid for 12 months from the date of payment. Session Fees are valid for 12 months from date of payment.
*Please note: Sessions purchased during sale events, gift cards, session reservations and regularly priced session fees are non-refundable. We are happy, however to have you gift or transfer your session to a friend if you are unable to use the session or reservation fee!
Expired Reservation Payments cannot be applied to any future session deposits/payments or balances.
How Do I Review My Images?
When your images are ready to be viewed, you will receive an email with a private link to your online collection of images. This link is private unless you choose to share it with friends or family. Your online collection will be available for 2 weeks for you to view, share, and order prints if you so desire. We offer a sleek and beautiful online viewing system that enables you to share your images on social media, mark favorites and even download right from one place! At any stage of your viewing period, if you have any questions, just ask!
Do I Have To Come To Petaluma For My Session?
Of course not, but it is lovely here! We find that many of our clients are thrilled at the idea of having their session on location in beautiful Northern California Wine Country. We have many gorgeous locations in and around Sonoma County and are always happy to learn of new ideas for gorgeous locales.
That being said - we are also happy to travel to you! There is a nominal travel fee to San Francisco, the East Bay, the Coast, and areas outside of Sonoma County. Further than that? Ask us! We offer several destination sessions throughout the year which are an amazing opportunity to be photographed in magical locations! We also travel to many U.S. cities outside of California during the year - so if you'd like to be aware of our upcoming travel plans near you, just sign up for our mailing list here!
For travel fees, please ask at time of booking.
Sessions fees outside of California vary from local session fees.
Please also note that any bridge tolls or admission fees into recreational parks will also be added to total travel fee/final session cost.
Do You Do Weddings?
In a nutshell, no. While we are so very flattered that you would ask, weddings are not our specialty. We are committed to our vision of portraits for women and love what we do. We live in an area where wedding photographers abound and would be happy to refer you to someone wonderful in this area.
What About Engagement Photos?
We specialize in women’s portraits. If you are a couple that happens to fall under that category, we would be thrilled and honored to photograph the two of you. See our "Love & Pride Session" for more details.
What If I Have To Cancel My Session?
In case of rescheduling, your Reservation Payment is valid for 6 months from the date it is paid and will be held for your rescheduled session.
In order for our little business to remain sustainable, we ask that if you need to reschedule with less than 48 hours notice that you pay your session balance on that day. We will send you an invoice along with the next available session dates. Sessions that are rescheduled with less than 48 hours notice will require session balance to be paid prior to a new date being confirmed.
Of course, life happens and we understand that things arise, therefore we will always make every attempt to re-schedule you as soon as possible. However, due to the demand for session dates, and out of respect for all of our clients’ schedules, a maximum of 1 rescheduled session will be allowed. If a 2nd reschedule is needed, a new Reservation Payment of $125 will need to be made, and you will be required to pay your session balance in full no later than 2 weeks prior to your next chosen session date. Please note that reschedules must happen within 6 months of your Reservation Payment.
If your session gets cancelled due to rainy inclement weather (it's California, but hey, it happens!), we will re-schedule your session for our next available slot.
*Cancellations with less than 24 hours notice with no reschedule will result in the client being billed the balance of the session. Please note that we would always prefer that you reschedule so as to avoid this option! We definitely want you to enjoy your session, however if you cancel, much like with any professional service (Doctor's office, Therapist) your balance will be due as agreed upon.
Please note: Session fees, Reservation Payments, Sale Sessions and gift cards are non-refundable.
I Purchased A Session During Your Sale, Does It Have An Expiration Date?
All sessions purchased during our Facebook or Website Sale Promotions have an expiration date that will always be noted within the sale announcement and on your invoice at the time that you paid for the sale session. A few times a year, we offer some wonderful sessions at a discounted rate to enable our clients to treat themselves! These sessions must be paid for at the time of the sale and booked in the allotted time as described in the sale announcement and invoice sent to you. If for some reason you do not book your session before its expiration date, you may still apply the credit (amount paid) toward any future session with us for up to 24 months from the date it was paid. For example, if you paid $300 for a session and it has since expired, you may apply that $300 towards a current session with us for 24 months from the date of payment. You would simply pay the balance/difference of current pricing. To make it truly fair to all of our clients who not only pay for sale sessions during these times, but also book in the given time frame, we must make it clear that once a sale session date has expired, the entire session is no longer redeemable. However, you may apply the paid value toward any current session with us. Due to the discounted rates, sales sessions are non-refundable as stated during sale posts on our Facebook Fan Page and websites and on invoices. We offer ample time allotments on all sale sessions and request that if purchasing a sale session you keep in mind the time that you have to successfully book and fulfill your session with us.
Do You Believe in Fairies and Gnomes?
Yes, most definitely.
All Content Copyright In Her Image Photography 2018.
Duplication of contained intellectual property found in part or whole by any other person/s is strictly prohibited and will be pursued with full legal action.